What grinds your gear? We want to know! Whether it be an issue within our county or cities. We are always looking for comments from our residents. To find out issues within our community and make sure that we find solutions to those issues that lead to more freedom and better living in Osceola County.
Together we will make Osceola County an amazing place to live, play, and work. Regardless of what party you align with, we all want what’s best for our county. We each have a responsibility to be informed and make decisions based on that information. As a party, we want to be as informed as possible and depend heavily on the experiences of our residents to make sure we are working for the benefit of all Osceola County residents.

Want to join the Libertarian Party?
When you join the Libertarian Party of Osceola County, you are taking the heavy responsibility of leaving others alone. We like a county where individuals can live their lives as they see fit so long as they do not affect the rights of others. If you believe the same thing, JOIN US, and let’s push these simple ideas forward.
Would you like to take the initiative and help at the state level with the Libertarian Party of Florida? Visit their site and learn more. They are always looking for great volunteers to assist with recruitment, fundraising, and building our state brand. You will learn about how our state functions and what can you can do to spread the message of freedom at the state level. You can join one of the various committees or take part as a representative for a region.