Transparency is what is missing in our government, and we want to fix that. We act as an example for other local parties by making sure we are as transparent as possible. We not only provide our governing documents and platform below but ask that you also review our finances by visiting the Osceola County Supervisor of Elections.
Our Governing Documents are the lifeblood of our organization. They are what guides us and allows us to focus on what’s essential.
Libertarian Party of Osceola County By Laws
Our By-Laws organize our official meetings. This document tells us who can participate in our discussions. We created this document so that residents know what the rules are for our meetings.
Libertarian Party of Osceola County Constitution
Our Constitution is what tells us how the organization itself will run. What we can do and how to do it. We follow our rules but are always open to making things easier.
Platform of the Libertarian Party of Osceola County
The Platform is an important Governing Documents. It is who we are and what we stand for. We made this document so that residents know what the issues are. Our platform is reviewed but is only changed by a vote of the Leadership.
Without publicity, no good is permanent; under the auspices of publicity, no evil can continue.
– Jeremy Bentham, 1768