Be part of something great! Chose to be better, signup, and join the Libertarian Party of Osceola County. You decided not only to be responsible for yourself and your actions but allow others to do the same. You have also chosen to be better and to expect better from others. We not only want what’s best for our community, but you expect your local government to do what is needed to increase our community standard. Signup today, and let’s do great things.
We understand that making such a decision can be difficult. We are always willing and able to answer any questions. Just contact us. You could also find out more by taking a look at our platform and governing documents. If you would like to be involved at the State of National Level, it would be best to reach out to them for possible volunteer opportunities.

Liberty is what you’ll be supporting when you sign up to join the Libertarian Party of Osceola County. As a member you will not only become a player in local politics, but you will have the opportunity to speak and be known. Not everyone has the opportunity to have a soap box where people will listen. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard. When we speak they listen.